Visit us! all about automation 2025 in Hamburg, June 3 +4. Hall B2-752

Insights, Trends & Technology

Insights, Trends & Technology

News from our company. Where innovative projects are developed with great enthusiasm and know-how, many novelties are coming up!

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24 News found
  1. We wish you a Merry Christmas

    We wish you a Merry Christmas

    The run-up to Christmas is always an opportunity to look back on the past year. 2024 marks the end of a year full of challenges, but also successful projects and numerous exciting topics. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a good start to the New Year 2025.

  2. Exciting days at the aaa in Zurich

    Exciting days at the aaa in Zurich

    All about automation took place in Zurich on August 28 + 29, 2024 in perfect summer weather. Together with maintenance Switzerland, which took place at the same time, it was two highly successful days full of automation, digitalization, robotics and maintenance.

  3. Visit us at the AMB 2024

    Visit us at the AMB 2024

    Are you looking for inspiration for innovative as well as proven applications in the industry? Meet our experts in Stuttgart from 10 to 14.09.2024 at the AMB in hall 7, stand B38.

  4. A Partnership between innovative Hardware and advanced Software in the field of Industrial Automation

    A Partnership between innovative Hardware and advanced Software in the field of Industrial Automation

    Schubert System Elektronik GmbH (SSE) and FLECS Technologies GmbH have been working together for a year now. FLECS offers an innovative automation marketplace for the simple installation of applications on machine control systems.

  5. Prime Panel Touch and Prime Panel Extend for flexible Visualization in Industry

    Prime Panel Touch and Prime Panel Extend for flexible Visualization in Industry

    Modern HMI interfaces enable operating concepts for a high level of user convenience when visualizing, operating and monitoring. Prime Panel Touch and Prime Panel Extend from Schubert System Elektronik GmbH (SSE) are the right choice for sophisticated visualization concepts in industry.

  6. Meet us at the all about automation in Zurich

    Meet us at the all about automation in Zurich

    Visit us at the all about automation in Zurich. The Swiss trade fair for industrial automation is the meeting place for experts and practitioners. When and where? August 28 + 29, 2024, Hall 1, Stand H12, Messe Zurich.


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